Wednesday, November 23, 2011

23 November 2011

Oh! It’s 23 November, MUSKAN’S birthday. I have always a fear that the people who close to me, will lose once. Last night I watched Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows part 1.

Monday, November 21, 2011

21 November 2011

I am spending a dull day. I hope I can remove those types of days from my life in near future. Though I am trying hard to find my way, I can’t find it at all. I can’t able to remove my confusing life. I want any thing to gain or lose. I am used to confusing between two choices. But I find a simply way and I will do that. And my latest decision is forever right. I am getting emotional day by day. Infect I hear songs which are emotional and diplomatic. Maybe, I miss someone who is not identified by my brain. Sometimes I ask me what I actually need. The nature is claim and no sound comes from anywhere. And I am getting disappointed.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

19 November 2011

My computer now is ok and ready to use. I am glad to use it again. Now I am enjoying a song named “SOMEDAY” from KNIGHT AND DAYS movie. It is an amazing song. RA.ONE has achieved a success in box office. For this, I am really happy. I am going to take a key decision this week for my study. I trust I can take a decision without any doubt.