Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Now-a-days I am totally upset. Nothing is perfect and nothing is peaceful. Just searching for an answer “am I bad or worst?”. Life becomes standstill. It is fixed on the day when it was end. I want to go far away from all but the memory of that can not be removed. I am just burning without any reason. Every season of my life is going to be more painful. I would be happy if I had understood the situation.

Monday, February 11, 2013

I am feeling bad for some unknown reasons. I identify that I can not be happy like an unfulfilled soul at any situation. I hope that someone will understand me even better than me. There is nothing but fire burns inside me. All thoughts are chained and all hopes are destroyed. I feel that I am not living but just completing my duty. I hate to predict myself because I am totally frustrated. I know it is not possible for me to be friendly with anyone 

Friday, January 18, 2013

The year started with pain and pain. J But still I am trying hard. Memory is a complicated thing. Often we can’t remember a small thing which we want to remember and often we can’t forget a small thing which we want to forget.  I feel alone at the end of the day. I don’t know what is happening inside me. Problem is a part of life but it might not be a habit. Whenever I am ignored, I feel like a fish without water.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Whenever someone stepped forward, I stepped back. But at the time when someone steps back, I feel pain. Maybe someday comes when I step forward and life steps back.