Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday, June 02, 2013

When everything goes wrong,
When the sun goes down,
When darkness remains all over,
When the nature becomes rude,
When you don’t know where you are,
When no one is with you,
Only one thing will be with you and that is someone’s memory

Saturday, May 18, 2013

It maybe the season of regaining pain. After knowing any news, I become sad. Some things are being missed in the air, some more pain are on the way to come. Every dream has broken, every moment has made me crying, there is nothing remaining on this way. But every passed moment always ask me about the story which was created by me and finished by you. I wish I could change the moment. But I can’t change it without proper end. And I know it always remains with me until I live.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

I am feeling too bad to write. The relationship between a person and another person can release a huge quantity of pain. But men never give up generating it. My examination is very close but it is not the reason for which I am feeling bad. 

All the bad dreams have entered into the life
All the happiness has just lost.
I’ve just started thinking 
When nature finds out secrete of your.

Monday, April 29, 2013

After a long time, I feel good. I used to think about future. But when I plan about anything, I am sure that it will not happen. Because of it, I stop thinking about future. And basically I love surprise, not predicted thing.