Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I am little selfish when there is a deal. I like following the ways which someone has created. And I follow those ways sincerely. But persons, who have created those ways, often forget their own instructions.  This trend destroys their image. People look for their own benefits. They don’t think about you or care you either.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday,12 December 2014

There are many persons in the world who can help you without any benefit. I lost my jacket few days ago. When I lost it, I thought that I would not get it back. So, I asked few people to search it. And i didn't get much informations. I was sure that it lost forever but then I saw a noticed that a jacket was found. And luckily it was mine. The short meaning of the story is that there maybe many bad persons but there are still few good persons too. :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

05 December 2014

Learning is a part and parcel of one's life. People don't listen to you without using power. When you behave soft, people try to ignore your sayings and emphasize on their sayings. Life is not easy for those who are simple.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Today I have recognized that one thing clearly. When two persons are in love and they fight frequently but they can't live without each other. They are in real love. It feels amazing to be in love. Everything seems new, everything black and white picture gets a number of colors, everyway seems known. Almost everyone misunderstandings me but it's not their fault. I have been crating my behavior so unrealistic that no one can believe me.

Fighting in love can make relation stronger and deeper.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Unexpected meeting with friends gives unexpected happiness. That's why I like unpredicted things. Somethings are broken that produce no noise. No one knows about it. It's like a tank full of water with only one drop of tear. I have just recognized some people. Some persons think that the ways preferred by them are preferable for all. But everyone has a unique characteristic that differs him from others. Now-a-days every act of mine becomes an act of fault including smiling. There is a quotation said by Mother Teresa
"if you are busy to judge people, you have no time to love them."

Monday, 27 October 2014

It is raining in the last week of October. Maybe it is the last rain in this year. The winter is in the door. Every breath is getting cooler. I feel sleepy all the day.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday,20 October 2014

Those days are very busy for me. The days maybe end earlier. Or maybe I am busy. It is a common thing when it is the last week before exam.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, 16 October 2014

It is not summer but it still feels like a summer. Everything is quite warm including life, trust, love and relation. Trust is very essential element. I have recently found that no one has faith on me including my friend. I don't know what reasons are there.
There is a quotation
"Never break four things : heart,  trust,  relation and promise. When they break, they don't make noise but pains a lot"

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Emotional person can easily express their feelings. Expressing feelings on the right time improves one's personality. When you are sad, your facial expression must be sad too. When you are angry, your facial expression must support your mood.
Happy => :)
Sad => :(
Angry => :@

I am an emotional person.  sometimes when I watch an emotional movie,  I cry. But I never have a perfect facial expression and I don't understand how to react either. Smiling is the only characteristic of my expression. No one knows what actually I feel. I feel everything but I just don't react with events.

Happy => :D
Sad => :D
Angry => :D

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday, 20 September 2014

I got an interesting quotation "a son does not remain son after his marriage but a daughter always remains a daughter."
I am not an aggressive person. If you challenge me, I shall pray for your success. If you insult me, I shall allow you to insult me more. But if you threat me, it will be your bad luck.
Some points are true.
=> Achieving power is a common tendency among people.
=> Almost everyone wants to be a leader.
=> People love to emphasize on others
=> Strong persons take advantage of weak persons
=> Frustrated people have some outlooks

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, 09 September 2014

The beginning of 6th semester is not so bad. An old teacher came in the class and he asked what the biggest game was. Someone replied football,  someone replied cricket but no answer was satisfied him. The he said "competition is the biggest game in the earth."
And the fact is true. There is a lot of people who try to stay one step ahead from others. It is not bad to try to stay one step ahead from others though I try to stay with everyone.
But there are also some people who try to reduce competition. I just hate them.
Competition now becomes a part and parcel of our life. It is now changing our point of view.

Friday, August 29, 2014

My favorite movies of 2013

1) Chennai Express
2) Ram Leela
3) Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani
4) Fukrey
5) Race 2
6) kai po cha
7) D day
8) Ashiqui 2
9) Go Gone Goa
10) Ramaiya vastabaiya

1) Iron Man 3
2) World War z
3) The croods
4) Furious 6/ the rises of guardians
5) frozen / despicable me 2

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

The night before the last night I stayed in my sister's house. The last time when I stayed in her home was in 2004. From a decade things have been changing. Changing is not too speedy but continuously.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday, 03 August 2014

Last day, I went to my mother to tell her something. Before saying any word, she asked me what I wanted to say. There was something to say. Infact there is still something to tell her but I did not say anything. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday, 27 July 2014

It's raining now. I wish I got wet in this rain.  But it's 1.30Am and it's too late. Maybe tomorrow will be the last day of Ramadan. It is a great Ramadan for me. Ramadan and FIFA world occurred at the same time. And some exams were also held. Those days will never return and if return, things behind us will not be same. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday, 24 July 2014

First time I was in town at 1am. It was amazing, roads were not crowded, no traffic jam existed. People were not in hurry. They just walked with their own speed. Everything became slow. It's like a battle field where they wanted to win against them. At day they usually follow other's direction but at night They follow their own direction. So, it is a war between own direction and other's direction. I saw some individuals playing football at a road. That was really funny.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday, June 02, 2014

What is right and what is wrong?
When some things come in our favor, we consider it as right. In the same way, when some things go against us, we consider it as wrong. This is a tradition to determine right and wrong. This tradition to determine wrong and right shows that people are selfish. We want to gain power, money, status, benefits and many more things. To gain those, we wrongly convert wrong things into right and right things into wrong. Some persons demonstrate other’s fault behavior but hide their own faults. We must follow the right path before talking about right and wrong. Otherwise it had better not talk about it.
Right: When anything is morally correct, honorable, rightful, lawful and equally judged for all, it may be defined as right.
Wrong: When anything is incorrect, unlawful and immoral for society, it may be defined as wrong.
A person cannot change the society or a small group cannot change the society. We have been losing our moral values since childhood. Society, friends, family show us that power, money and benefits are more valuable than moral values. Education may develop our moral value but we study to earn the certificates, not to earn knowledge or develop moral values. In this situation, it is not expected to draw a huge change in our life. Maybe the entire situation will change in future. I do not deny that I am a part of this system or I am not saying that I am different. Evaluate yourself before evaluating others. Judge yourself before judging other. In the end of the day,think what you did and what you should have done. :) 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday, April 07, 2014

Today I have realized many things. I never expect anything from others. Expectation defines the level of satisfaction. And satisfaction can’t be calculated in term of number. Thus it has nothing to express in a proper way. Others can’t see it or feel it. It hides from whole world. I have been following something like that. There is no existence in real world.
Distance can make you stronger
When there is a moment of depression.
Distance can make you happier
When you laugh to hide your pain
Distance can make you satisfied
When you know that your closer companions can’t see your unbearable situation

Thursday, March 20, 2014

20 March 2014, Thursday

I attended the first class of my fifth semester. I was in the class but I actually didn't there. It is an another normal day. Everything is normal except one thing. One basic thing which is a part of my life. Without it, I don't think that I can live. I know I am not perfect as well as good enough. I can make you happy but I can't take place on someone's heart.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hypothesis is a statement that estimates informations and gives an approximate result. No mathematical application can estimate someone's heart. I love prediction for others. And my calculation gives me perfect answer. But I never calculate their feelings, emotions as well as the way of thinking. I only calculate their performances. Someone told me that I did not have heart to feel someone's feeling.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Darkness realizes me that it is better for me. I have a strong relationship with this darkness. When I followed this darkness, I got a way to find out me. I love darkness because it hides me from the whole world. When there is no light, no one can see my real face as well as my weakness. I love to hide things. People can’t access on my brain until I will give them my password. The main thing is that I have started fearing this darkness once again. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Life is a set of problems. When the situation is under controlled, a new problem enters into the life. I feel that actually this time the situation is more critical. Trusting someone can generate a problem and that problem is to create a pressure. Now someone starts trusting me and I feel too much pressure. This pressure assumes that I have also a trust on her trust. And I just don’t want to disappoint her.

Friday, January 31, 2014

After a long period of time, I am writing. Many things went and many things remain unchanged. I am not able to recognize the activities which occur around me. I have lost my sense and maybe it is the starting point of a new journey. But no one knows it’s effects until it will arrive.
It feels great
When you express your feelings properly
When you say what you want to say
When you write some things for yourself
When you start living for you

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday, 2014 January 08

It feels great when someone also thinks about you. I am not able to access other's brain but I can feel something; maybe I am right or maybe I am wrong; It is not a fact because I know that I am not the best option for her.