Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hypothesis is a statement that estimates informations and gives an approximate result. No mathematical application can estimate someone's heart. I love prediction for others. And my calculation gives me perfect answer. But I never calculate their feelings, emotions as well as the way of thinking. I only calculate their performances. Someone told me that I did not have heart to feel someone's feeling.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Darkness realizes me that it is better for me. I have a strong relationship with this darkness. When I followed this darkness, I got a way to find out me. I love darkness because it hides me from the whole world. When there is no light, no one can see my real face as well as my weakness. I love to hide things. People can’t access on my brain until I will give them my password. The main thing is that I have started fearing this darkness once again. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Life is a set of problems. When the situation is under controlled, a new problem enters into the life. I feel that actually this time the situation is more critical. Trusting someone can generate a problem and that problem is to create a pressure. Now someone starts trusting me and I feel too much pressure. This pressure assumes that I have also a trust on her trust. And I just don’t want to disappoint her.

Friday, January 31, 2014

After a long period of time, I am writing. Many things went and many things remain unchanged. I am not able to recognize the activities which occur around me. I have lost my sense and maybe it is the starting point of a new journey. But no one knows it’s effects until it will arrive.
It feels great
When you express your feelings properly
When you say what you want to say
When you write some things for yourself
When you start living for you