Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday, 27 July 2014

It's raining now. I wish I got wet in this rain.  But it's 1.30Am and it's too late. Maybe tomorrow will be the last day of Ramadan. It is a great Ramadan for me. Ramadan and FIFA world occurred at the same time. And some exams were also held. Those days will never return and if return, things behind us will not be same. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday, 24 July 2014

First time I was in town at 1am. It was amazing, roads were not crowded, no traffic jam existed. People were not in hurry. They just walked with their own speed. Everything became slow. It's like a battle field where they wanted to win against them. At day they usually follow other's direction but at night They follow their own direction. So, it is a war between own direction and other's direction. I saw some individuals playing football at a road. That was really funny.