Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Emotional person can easily express their feelings. Expressing feelings on the right time improves one's personality. When you are sad, your facial expression must be sad too. When you are angry, your facial expression must support your mood.
Happy => :)
Sad => :(
Angry => :@

I am an emotional person.  sometimes when I watch an emotional movie,  I cry. But I never have a perfect facial expression and I don't understand how to react either. Smiling is the only characteristic of my expression. No one knows what actually I feel. I feel everything but I just don't react with events.

Happy => :D
Sad => :D
Angry => :D

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday, 20 September 2014

I got an interesting quotation "a son does not remain son after his marriage but a daughter always remains a daughter."
I am not an aggressive person. If you challenge me, I shall pray for your success. If you insult me, I shall allow you to insult me more. But if you threat me, it will be your bad luck.
Some points are true.
=> Achieving power is a common tendency among people.
=> Almost everyone wants to be a leader.
=> People love to emphasize on others
=> Strong persons take advantage of weak persons
=> Frustrated people have some outlooks

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, 09 September 2014

The beginning of 6th semester is not so bad. An old teacher came in the class and he asked what the biggest game was. Someone replied football,  someone replied cricket but no answer was satisfied him. The he said "competition is the biggest game in the earth."
And the fact is true. There is a lot of people who try to stay one step ahead from others. It is not bad to try to stay one step ahead from others though I try to stay with everyone.
But there are also some people who try to reduce competition. I just hate them.
Competition now becomes a part and parcel of our life. It is now changing our point of view.