Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I am little selfish when there is a deal. I like following the ways which someone has created. And I follow those ways sincerely. But persons, who have created those ways, often forget their own instructions.  This trend destroys their image. People look for their own benefits. They don’t think about you or care you either.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday,12 December 2014

There are many persons in the world who can help you without any benefit. I lost my jacket few days ago. When I lost it, I thought that I would not get it back. So, I asked few people to search it. And i didn't get much informations. I was sure that it lost forever but then I saw a noticed that a jacket was found. And luckily it was mine. The short meaning of the story is that there maybe many bad persons but there are still few good persons too. :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

05 December 2014

Learning is a part and parcel of one's life. People don't listen to you without using power. When you behave soft, people try to ignore your sayings and emphasize on their sayings. Life is not easy for those who are simple.