Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Showing off is not an act of displaying one's abilities or accomplishments. It is a virus that can be infected anyone. I don't know why people always show off. Maybe it is for self-satisfaction. The persons infected by it must change their attitudes because it makes jealousy, conflict and more on.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday, 12 February, 2015

Today I am actually confused about my character. I try to make jokes all the day but also try to respect them. In the same time, I also try to act serious but I fail every time. Changing will seem great if you are in a wrong path. And changing is not required when you are in a right path.  I have few questions.

Is it necessary to be serious in life?

=> Yes, it is necessary in life but I think it is a hard task for me.

Why do people suggest changing?

=>I think they want you to be like them. But everyone has a unique quality. If all drink tea then who will drink coffee. 

I saw a movie and there was a brilliant dialogue. Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all round

Wednessday, 04 February, 2015

I am going back in 2011/2012 when  life was stopped. No progression existed in the life.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Saturday, 31 January 2015

I am trying to keep myself busy with various things. It is the best way to heal my heart when it is broken because it is time which can only heal my at this time. Though people want the changes, they don’t want to change themselves. That's the reality of our life.

Now I am using broadband :)