Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sudden happiness appears to go in a sudden way. In the same way, my life flows and flows until another sudden thing becomes obstacle. But those obstacles are also enjoyable. From 3 months, I had been thinking that I was locked in a box and there was no key. I felt free from the previous day. I don’t know what will happen next and every single moment has an another chance to turn all around.

Today I know a person and I have recognized that she is dynamic. Her thoughts are so thoughtful and poetic that I cannot control myself to rethink about those thoughts. I also come to know that every complex question has a simple answer rather than only complex answer. Everyone should have friends like that.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

People cry for themselves. Few cry for his relatives, lover, daughters, sons, friends, mother, father and more on. No one cries for human beings. I thought it was the earth of selfish but I was wrong. I came to know that one of my friends has that quality. When someone is hurt by her or others, she cries. She may be called psycho by the selfish people but she has a golden heart.
It is simple to cry for yourself
But it is tough to cry for others

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Sunday, 08 March 2015

What is happiness to me????
It's a simple question but very complex answer. Maybe it's an untoldable thing. Actually happiness defines people and people don't define it.

=> When I help someone, it gives me an unwatchable happiness. But I never offer favor until someone asks for my favor. Reading anyone's mind is an impossible task for me. And I never show that I am happy for helping someone.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, 06 March 2015

It's 3.01 A.M.
When dreams are broken, heart doesn't allow someone for sleeping.
I used to think that late sleeping was a habit of mine then I got you and this habit became a history then you left me then I realized it's not just a habit. It was your love to me that gave me peace. Heart cries without noise. That's why people think I am happy. There are too things that I want to say but I just can't say.