Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Today I had an exam on auditing. I went to exam hall and read my sheets until the arrival of the teacher. When the teacher came to the class, he ordered us to put all the reading materials in the front of the room. I put my bag there as quickly as possible. I started writing after starting the exam. Suddenly the teacher told me “what is there in your bench?” I got confused for one second and he indicated that I had not put my reading materials. Then I recognized that I forgot to put those in my bag. The teacher took my paper as a penalty. I became angry on me. How would I be so careless to forget it? Though it was an unintentional and I had no plan to copy from sheet, I did not argue with him. Because he was right on this own way. I was quiet and did not try to convince the teacher on this issue. He asked “do you have anything to say?” I said in the negative. But many students were arguing with the teacher and they said “he (me) never can do such things” I felt that I had achieved some reputations in my 3.5 years varsity life. It was an emotional situation then. Then few minutes later, he gave back my paper with a warring.