Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday, 30 May, 2016

Sometimes I feel that i fail in the life. Everything seems so difficult that i can not stand with this situation. Every comment is like a slang to me. I become hyper often which is extremely rare thing in me. No one can observe my situation. All the pain, Frustration blow off tears. Tears that have no value to anyone, are valueless. Whenever I was alone, I smiled a lot. Now smile turns into tears :(

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Wednesday, 11 May, 2016

I have just recognized that my CGPA goes above 3.75 first time. A journey that started with 3.53 and ends at 3.75 now. I just tried to remain just above 3.5 when I completed my 1st semester. But heavily fluctuation in the second semester gave me hope that it might be more than 3.60. After completing my 4th semester, I never thought about CGPA. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Beginning of a Depression (1-10may)

I am a frustrated person for sure. I take time to deliver my best. But every extra unit of pressure makes me more frustrated. When nearest people do this, things go worst. Though I have plans to execute, everyone will fail to fall in with plans. Every single drop of depression makes me more depressed. This scenario becomes crucial when someone teases for the existing situation. I felt alone once and I loved to stay in the darkness. This habit re-enters in my life. But a cloud of unhappiness is coming toward me and it will cast off my life for a period. I am just preparing for that period. Successful persons shows their achievements hiding their failure.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Saturday, April 30, 2016

30 April, A date that has an own importance in my life has just arrived. I did not have any plan to make it special but maybe fortune made it special. I just took it an ordinary day but everything intended to make it an extraordinary day.

A thing is more beautiful when it is made by fortune