Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A depressed period (Feb-11 to Feb-20)

Those days were intolerable because every thing was limited. Limited thing may open further opportunities but this theory is not applicable in my case. I tried to utilize every moment though time was short. I tried to utilize every moment but I realized that it was not good enough for a hang mind. And disappointment and depression arrived again after a while. :(

Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday, 10 February 2017

Life seems worthless whenever main work doesn't really work. Pain is not defined numerically but it has just a sense of feeling worst. Reason behind this stage for someone ignorance is more painful. Someone who influence you most, who is the reason behind everything arranged may be your biggest weakness ever. Because you neither terminate the person nor ignore the person. It's just like a slow poison that takes time but destroy everything

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Life is changing every moment. In One Moment, Life is like Hell and It is like Heaven in an another moment. Sometimes we need just a paper to everything around us, a song to add a flavor with ongoing things and an Imagination to see everything in our way. Whenever everything is not okay in the life, Everything seems dull. Similarly, Whenever Everything is okay in the life, that dull life also seems colorful. Tension is a vital part of life that will exist forever. But it must be Controlled by confidence and I have no confidence in myself. But still there are ways to reduce tension.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday, February 03, 2017

I forgot many things that are not habitual. When Life does not go according to plans, everything is quit nebulous. That nebulous life leads a man to forget everything.
It does not mean that it will be like this forever. I have been busy during the whole week. Time seems limited now. A day consists of 24 hours but it should be a few hours more. I try hard to accomplish everything that I have started. Obstacles are many in the way but opportunities are limited. Problems are a lot but solutions are few.  
I remain tensed before accomplishing a task and after accomplishing it, everything seems excellent.