Sunday, October 28, 2012

Monday, October 08, 2012

It’s the busiest day of the year so far. I actually realize what basically I do. I don’t need concentration because I can’t focus in one direction. I always focus there and here without any reason/ with reason. If something is predicted, the result of it will always be predictable. And I hate predictable things. I love surprises and I hope that life will surprise me at any point of time. It is funny that I never count anything which is done y me. When I decided to take computer as a 4th subject at class nine along in the class, I am asked many questions by some people. They thought I could not perform well in the main subjects then why I took a hard subject like computer along. At that time, I didn’t care about anything and I just listened to my heart. Basically I hate competition because I consider me as the weakest in any direction for all time. I am not special one but whenever I look at my mom and dad, I can understand that I may be someone who is special for them. I feel that my life is not my own life. I know I can’t express love but love doesn’t mean that you have to say ‘I love you’ each and every time to someone who is liked by you.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Saturday, October 06, 2012

feeling disturbing for some unknown reason can be reason for some unknown pain. Basically I am not feeling well now.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Days are going so fast that I can not adjust with that. After a long time, my classes started from last day. The result was published on 26 September. I got CGPA 3.538 which was just about ok. Last day I felt amazing when I was in the road and it was raining. The road was quiet and I feel alone in a crowded road for one second.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Saturday, September 08, 2012

I always forget that I am a human. Some things remain in the air that can not be seen if anyone wants to see it.

Tuesday, September, 18, 2012

Some calls are come from those which are unexpected and heart-touchable. Last day I received a call which is actually touched my heart. I was very emotional during talking in my phone. The call was made by my school friend ‘YASIN’. I really feel I am not so mutual that I can handle a relationship. I don’t know why I can’t concentrate my mind in one way. I always focus here and there which is basically my problem.