Friday, December 14, 2012

Saturday, December 08, 2012

I am feeling pain in my heat. I don’t know why I can’t express anything.
Life will be easy if everything is expressed by writing, not by telling
No one wants to understand me even my mom. I wish I were a person who can express anything. But it must not be possible. Once I lived my life very well but now my life is imprisoned in a jar. I am none. I am just a shadow which remains behind a person. Sides of my life are two. Firstly I am a person who is very friendly, smart and charming. On the other side, I am a person who is alone and seriously frustrated about everything.
By following a shadow, where I come.
The way in which I am standing is totally unknown,
Forgetting the way of the return, where I come.
The weather is smoky and none is here, where
Getting the light of sun but leaving all the well wishers, where I come.
                                 Walk and walk where I come, now I feel afraid to see back.      

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