Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013

I am not able to determine my mood. Sometime I feel fine and sometime I feel terrible. But one thing is determined and that is that I am getting mad. I know it is the end of a story. New stories are waiting for me and there is too much time for creating stories.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Valuable things are not considered valuable until it is applied. Although books give us knowledge related to human life, those are not able to teach us the real lesson of life.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Everyone has engaged with their works, no one has time for thinking about others, a busy world where time is changing quickly. There is a time when everything goes wrong. And time stops for a moment. And she may think about the reality. We are so much busy with our works that we may ignore some special people. And when we realize those, we can’t forgive us, but remember them for life time. It feels like burning inside. No one can see that you are burring. And time starts killing you from inside. At the time of seeing my eye through the mirror, I recognize many persons ignored by me.

Friday, November 15, 2013

At the last point of time, at the beginning of time, one thing remains unchanged. And that is my identification. It is easy to believe yourself, but it is hard to believe other. When your trust is broken by someone, you may not believe anyone easily. And I believe no one. I have been searching someone to share all my secrets but I have not found anyone. There are many friends in my life and all of them know very little about me. I love to hide my secrets. After all, pain should attack with full speed, otherwise the enjoyment of feeling pain is not got properly. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

At the last point of time, at the beginning of time, one thing remains unchanged. And that is my identification. It is easy to believe yourself, but it is hard to believe other. When your trust is broken by someone, you may not believe anyone easily. And I believe no one. I have been searching someone to share all my secrets but I have not found anyone. There are many friends in my life and all of them know very little about me. I love to hide my secrets. After all, pain should attack with full speed, otherwise the enjoyment of feeling pain is not got properly.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, November 08, 2013

I can impress someone easily but I can’t maintain relationship. People who know me know that I usually don’t connect with them. When I have some works with them, I am connected almost all the time with them. But when I have no work with someone, I may not make a phone for him. That part of life may finish for ever. Many persons are lost from my life. I never try to follow them. I just follow the darkness. I find me where light does not exist. Someone feels that I am selfish but our judgments are not always true. I can’t maintain relationship. I am always busy in my unreal world. Making a new relationship is very easy for me but I can’t handle it. Right now I don’t try to make a new relationship because I know they can’t understand me and will misunderstand me. Though I have no interest to be a lovable person, I never want to be the most unloved person. I am alone but some persons love me so much. Their love feels me that I have many things to live.
It is easy to make a new relationship but it is hard to maintain it.