Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, November 08, 2013

I can impress someone easily but I can’t maintain relationship. People who know me know that I usually don’t connect with them. When I have some works with them, I am connected almost all the time with them. But when I have no work with someone, I may not make a phone for him. That part of life may finish for ever. Many persons are lost from my life. I never try to follow them. I just follow the darkness. I find me where light does not exist. Someone feels that I am selfish but our judgments are not always true. I can’t maintain relationship. I am always busy in my unreal world. Making a new relationship is very easy for me but I can’t handle it. Right now I don’t try to make a new relationship because I know they can’t understand me and will misunderstand me. Though I have no interest to be a lovable person, I never want to be the most unloved person. I am alone but some persons love me so much. Their love feels me that I have many things to live.
It is easy to make a new relationship but it is hard to maintain it.

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