Friday, December 25, 2015

Friday, December 25, 2015

I have turned into 24 years today and there are few surprises also. 24 years are not a small quantity. But I feel that I have just started exploring the world. The world that has been not explored by me yet will be known to me later. Basic things are unfamiliar to me.  Human behavior or psychology is one of the toughest things which I can not understand properly. I just try to run out from people to avoid unfavorable situations. I assume everything as a part of a movie. Of course, there are some basic difference between movie and reality. Hero has only one mission to accomplish in the movie and a person always tries to find out his livelihood in the reality. Dreams become true in the movie, on the other hand, dreams remain dreams in the reality. Though both are different, I love to image the reality with movies. Because life seems easier in this way.

Don’t watch dreams
Just follow your dreams
Maybe be you will be successful or not
But you will not be frustrated for the attempts

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