Friday, February 5, 2016

RAG day (4th February)

Life is a set of sessions.
Sessions like school life, college life, university life, profession life and more on have a start and end.

When we are born, the journey of life has started. Another vital part of life has just come to an end. All the things are now on the way of becoming past. I still feel that I have just been admitted into IIUC. But time has its own speed. Your brain or memory can hang but time just goes with its force. 4 years, a long period of time that I feel very small now. All guests in this program have inspired and encouraged us for our future. While MSH sir was saying his thoughts, I became emotional. Many things I got from here and many things it deprived from me.

My biggest disappointment at IIUC was that I was not allowed to select HRM for major. Some other disappointments also existed but that was my biggest disappointment in my university life. I became lunatic for few days when I came to know about that.

Actually I learnt and got many things from IIUC. When I was in college, I tried to memorize everything without understanding the real meanings. When I was at IIUC, this habit disappeared. From 2/3rd semester, I thought to place every conceptual things into practical place. And there are many teachers who gave me the idea of it and I am really thankful to them. My English was not well but it became better during Varsity life. I was afraid of saying anything in front of people and presentations reduced this fear in a limit.

I got many friends during my varsity life but I never belonged to any specific group. Mayeen uddin was my first friend in IIUC. We both were same batch until 7th semester. I trust him and sometimes shared many things that others didn’t know. Another friend is Saiful Islam. He is the last source of helping me from my point of view. I knew him from 1st semester and became friend from 2nd semester. I spent most of my time at IIUC with both Mayeen uncle and Saiful. They have so much trust on me that they changed their batch when I insisted doing it. Nayeem is my closest friend but has connection with me in real life. He knows a lot of things about me that are not known to others. Rifat is also a very good friend of my in the last part of varsity life. Bonding between me and Rabby has turned into stronger in the varsity. There few other friends Zubair (giving me many advises), Soloyman etc. and there are a lot of friends in the FB.When I was in 5th semester, I came to know someone at IIUC. And in the 7th semester that person became a key part of my life.

All in all, my university was not bad but it is quite good. I tried that everyone may not get something from me but no one must be hurt by me. And I also tried to respect all because someone told me that respect is everything in the life. I never maintained good relationship to get benefits or to accomplish future plans. :) 

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