Friday, July 29, 2016

Wednesday, 27 July, 2016

I have just received a call from Onnorokom Group. The person, who has called me, has congratulated me for getting opportunity to do intern in their company. It was 15th July when I received a message for attending a viva at Onnorokom Group. Then I started thinking when I had applied for it. I search my emails and found out that I applied in May. At first, I thought I would not attend it. Then I searched it in Facebook and Google. Then I made up my mind to attend it. I prepared myself at the night before viva. I thought it was just an introductory viva. Because viva for internship is just a formality. So, I did not take it seriously. When I was in the interview place, I realized that everyone was much elder than me. There were more than 15 candidates.  Approximately everyone had MBA certificate. And it did not look like a normal intern viva at all. I became very nervous and had hoped that I was going to be rejected for sure. Almost everyone entered into the viva room with a smile but left the room with sad face. I waited approximately 1 hour. When it was my turn to enter, I was not sure what to do. I just took permission for coming and taking seat then interviewer asked me some questions about me. Then she asked me some questions about general knowledge, current affairs and math. After then she asked me about few journal entries. In the end, she said we may have called you after 2 days if you were short listed for final interview.  I left the room with a happy face and was sure that they would call me. They called me on 23 July and said to face final interview on 25 July. I went to Onnorokom Group for attending final interview and met with a candidate who completed his MBA for IIUC. I got some confidents then. Then I entered into the room. They asked me many personal questions & journals and tested my confidents. I was quite confident then. When my interview ended, they said me to prepare your mentality for working with us. I hoped they may have liked me. Today I can’t believe that they have actually called me. I thought there were many better than me. I feel tiny whenever I attend an interview because all have much more senior to and qualified than me.

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