Sunday, September 11, 2016

Saturday, 10 September, 2016

Every person has a different outlook toward a problem. Someone may see it in one way and someone may see it in another way. Everyone has their own way to observe a thing. But we must be problem-solver rather than problem-inventor.

When a problem arises, we are just busy with blaming each other for this problem. Properly defined problem cannot be solved sometimes. We just emphasize that our way is right and perfect. Moreover we discuss unnecessary things that don’t release any solution.

I have learnt from life that every problem has a solution. Solution may be complex or modified or not the way according to our idea but it exists. Ignoring a problem leaves no chance for a solution.

Similarly, problem may arise in a relationship in anytime. One of them must be matured one to understand clearly. Self-respect, ego and more on distract us from getting a solution. We know how to fix everything but we just don’t fix up the problem often. Leaving everything for getting automatic solution identifies irresponsible persons. 

Facing a problem is not a problem.
A problem without a solution is a problem.
A problem with a defined solution that cannot be solved is the biggest problem of life.

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