Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017

I become hyper wherever I feel pressured. Eventually I recognized that pressure is not bad. But I enjoy the moment. Pressuring allows me to find a way to get rid of it. In the easy way, solving a problem gives me pleasure. Then I started searching new types of pressures. Sometimes I got pressured by leading war (in games), study (assignment and presentations), and other works (assigned by different individuals). All the things were limited at that time. Now, pressure is huge from every sector including study, job, socialism and more on. When time is short, pressure may turn into under pressure for many persons. And I am under pressured nowadays. But a unit of pressure is out of life for a while.  Because exam of my 1st semester of EMBA has been over now.
And I am waiting for the 2nd semester to take more pressure on my shoulder which will allow me to explore new opportunities.

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