Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sunday, July 9, 2017

There are many things in life that are invisible. But those have an existence. Though our eyes are not able to see those physically, our inner eyes may see it. The Concept of “Devil” is related to this thought. Everyone knows about it but no one see it actually. 

If someone focuses it deeply, she/he will realize that original devil exists inside us. One has both negative and positive side. I never think of evil side of someone because I see the world differently. However the reality is far different from my concept. 

If I see someone’s evil side, I don’t get hyper and ignore the fact. The person may feel that I don’t understand the conspiracy but it is my decision to ignore it to minimize my evil side. Ignoring these facts don’t means that I am not capable of completing them. 

The world is never like the way that I consider it to be. I have recognized now and then that human behavior is the most complicated things. I don’t understand various people. Someone once said to me “you don’t understand the world. It is not like the way you think”. His saying was reasonably right. I am still a child who lives in dreams that break more frequently with having new experiences.

The hope is that I trust many persons who don’t have evil sides.

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