Saturday, March 31, 2018

Friday, March 30, 2018

It was a long tiring week. Almost every day, I left office after 9.00 PM. And I get a weekend today but I am quite engaged to attend class and get preparation for presentation. It seems that the day is too small to do all the unfinished works. I left house at 11 Am and have arrived at 10.00 pm. 

People seek for peace in form of relaxing their selves. And I create hyper tension inside me to get peace. Whenever there is a tension in life, Life looks like a problem. And every problem has a solution. To get the solution, we need to make strategies. Of course, sometimes strategy fails but failing gives me a hope that the next step will be better. And every successful attempt is a reward to me.

When time is short, the value of time is actually realized 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The world is changing day by day. We must cope our-self with changing situations. Without accepting the changes, our capability is bounded in a limit. Once humans were treated as a machine. Management did not differentiate between man and machine. As time progressed, the concept changed because human has emotions & feelings. Treating them as a machine shows one's disability to identify right thing. 

Now, Job satisfaction becomes key for performance. If you are satisfied, you can satisfy others and if you are dissatisfied, you are not able to satisfy others. I watched a movie named Fast Five in which someone quoted "I like Portuguese's style to rule over Brazil. Portuguese provided things like mirror that could not be bought at that time. So, Brazilians worked their selves for them. In case of Spanish, they used power to rule over Brazil but they failed badly." But there are still some persons who think that only tied control over a thing generates high output. They are philosophy is quiet outdated now because it is not 1918 but it is now 2018. In short term, tied control is effective in some perspectives. But tied control fells down badly in case of long term. In long term, those control is useless and job satisfaction theory wins. That's the reason behind evolution of Human Resource Management. 

I can't change one's outlook because he / she may not cope up with changing situations. He may have a strong belief that his philosophy is the words of bible. Everything is not a equation of math. Some Equation turns to be worst.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday, March 19, 2018

Showing anger is not a worthy decision.  Anger is a power that can change the game. Anger is a very worthy element but only place and timing make it worthful. Anger must be kept up carefully in order to using it in a better place.

For some months, I have not been storing that anger but releasing it immediately. That's why I am depressed now. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The world is selfish. Everyone only understands their own benefit. It doesn't matter what the person in front of him feels. Love and relationship are not really valuable when there is a tendency of being selfish.