Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sunday, October 28, 2018 (Goals and Objectives)

There was a racer who aimed at finishing his race with proper paperwork and planning. There were several objectives to reach in his goal. He recognized that he had completed an objective (a certain distance) in a wrong racing truck. But he pretended that he was in right truck and again planned to reach the next level with new racing truck. He drove fast and achieved the next objective where he again recognized it a wrong and completely new truck. Though it was a wrong truck, he again pretended to be a right truck. The event happened again and again and every time he pretended to be right. After reaching the finishing line, the racer knew that the achievement was unexpected and undesirable but still it was an achievement. So, he tried to make objectives to prove that his achievement was expected and desirable. For this, he worked whole day to make a perfect story. And he had done his job well. But he understood that the day is over and he was busy only to convert a wrong thing into a right thing. He was neither happy nor celebrated his victory.

There are few ultimate goals that almost everyone sets to achieve in the lifetime.
People set their goals and complete objectives to accomplish the goals. After then we achieve their goals. That process is normal and generally people achieve their goals by doing so.

In my case, I take time to set goals. After setting my goals, I am engaged to accomplish objectives one by one. Just before the finishing line, I find out that the racing track is changed but I still achieve a goal which is undesirable and unwanted for me. I try to adjust evreveryth according to the requirements of unwanted goal. I create Objectives and accomplish them to fill up the gaps between plan and goal.

But life is not very small. It is larger than our expectation. Holding wrong thing as pretending right thing will not be the best option in that large life for sure.

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