Friday, December 28, 2018

Friday, December 28, 2018 (Fear and Confidence)

Only a few hours are remaining now to end another year. Another year has been over from life but it is not possible end of life. There is still a long way to go. There were many life changing events happened in this year and there are still many things happening in the future. 

Almost every year, life teaches me many things. On the conclusion, I have recognized that only having proper plans are not good enough. To execute a proper plan, we need to overcome fear. A villain comes to our door to stop taking an adverse but wise decision. 

The villain is the fear here. The villain is super strong and capable to spread darkness. He can change your mind and destroy your plans by reflecting all the possible negative sides. But there is a hero to defeat the villain. Villain will be leading until the end.

Confidence is the hero in this case. Hero is not as strong as the villain. Hero is like medicine that works slowly but works. On the other hand, the villain is like poison that works faster but also fell down quickly. Hero will be facing problems until the end.

The hero will defeat the villain for sure if the hero is alive until the end. So, we just need to make sure that hero is alive. Otherwise, it will be impossible to take an adverse decision. 

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