Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019 (Final Settlement)

“All the payments are received by me from Unmesh. There is nothing left from Unmesh.”

Today, I have taken everything from my first and last (until now) work place. There is nothing left related with that place. But nothing is empty. Every place consists of some matters. If we see the sky in night, we see too much dark place. We can easily recognize that there is nothing in the dark place. Reality is that those places consist of dark matters and it is also scientifically proved. We cannot see the dark matter but we can recognize that there is a power which has an influence on others. Similarly, when we have settled some things, the thing is over for us. But there is some power that influences our activities. The influencing factor is our memory. It preserves everything that is done or happened by us or around us. Everything is settled but my memory reflects those working days. I have bad memories in my last working place but now my brain reads and reflects only the delighted moments. I have become emotional at the end of the process. As senior colleague and Brother, Razon vai was very much closed to me. And I shared many thoughts and opitions with him that I did not share with others.

It is true for me that left place reminds me only delighted moments, not worst moments.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019 (Visiting an old place in a new format)

I have visited my grand father’s house today. A place where my father was born, A place where all my brothers and sisters were born except me. I don’t remember when I visited that place last time. Maybe it is more than 15 years. Everything changes at that place. Nothing remains same. Basically only a few thing is just similar to it’s previous form.  

Everything changes with passing time. It takes either short time or long time only. Duration does not matter but changes happen for sure in everything in our life, society, nature and so on. Time changes everything. I have also recognized that my thinking is also changing. Persons who don’t change their style with the demand of time suffer a lot.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Friday, March 08, 2019 (Indiscipline)

It is not important to force someone to do everything by following discipline. It is his/her choice either to follow or not to follow the discipline. Everyone has a right to make his or her choice and we are no one to force him. The way that he/she selects to spend his/her life is his or her choice. We have nothing to do on this issue. 

Whenever Someone’s indiscipline behavior harms others, it is not tolerable at all. At that time, we must take steps to stop it. Basically one’s indiscipline behavior harms others greatly in case of society. But our society encourages those to do more and more indiscipline behavior. Because we have some benefits generated due to his indiscipline behavior. Infact they who always do everything (related with society) in a discipline way is considered idiots by the majority part of our society. In this case, Society says “you don’t understand the world or you are not smart enough”.

Last week, I had done a small journey from my house to a near destination. The journey takes a time of approximately 15 minutes but the road was under construction. There was an indiscipline behavior among drivers to block both sides of the road and passengers encouraged drivers to block the road. As a result, the journey of 15 minutes became a journey of more than one hour.

It is not the first time for me to suffer due to other’s indiscipline behavior. Similarly, it is not the last time for me to suffer due to other’s indiscipline behavior. Consequences of doing indiscipline behavior must be strickly implemented but our society does not promote the consequences in their own cases. So, It takes time to see a society which promotes disciplinary behavior.