Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

Confusion must be removed. Otherwise, there will be lack of focusing and lack of focusing must affect the present life.

I feel guilty today to break my commitment due to confusion. Working with confusion is nothing but a sure shot suicide.

There must be incidents like this in the life because it realizes us to explore life more and more. I know life is not an easy game to play. Most of us are defensive as we have many things to loose.

I don't have any problem to work. I appropriate any type of works but I can't change the outlook of the society. Yes! It will change but take a longer time. And I speak for the right in many incidents. I never compromise my pride while taking a decision. It is the reason behind the confusion.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 (confused)

Everything seems okay but mind and heart don't suggest it. Because there is a confusion. The confusion is very complicated and very hard to get a simple answer. Often things like this happen but solution is a complex set.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday, October 07, 2019

I watch a lot of movies every year and Most of them are Hindi movies. A few days ago, I watched Kabir Singh.
Some movies are good, some movies are bad but few movies are connected with brain. I feel that Kabir Singh is one of them for me. I watched it more than 5 times but I am still able to watch it again. The soul of the movie is that the characters and their combination. Stories like this are many but extra ordinary performance by leading actor makes it extra ordinary.
Similarly, there is a philosophy that life is about second chance. If there is a second chance, we must go for it in case of ultimate goal. It does not matter how the way is.