Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 (Too much loudness)

Becoming angry is a common intense emotional state found in all living beings. Expressing it is not a big deal at all. We must understand to whom it is expressed. 

It is almost impossible for me to digest anyone's anger without a reason. I can understand the situation when I have done a mistake. I don't have any issue to hear any rough thing due to my mistakes. Digesting rough behavior without my fault is the worst scenario for me. I simply avoid those whenever anyone tries to show his anger with me without any logic. 

Now it is a scenario like a little object in a solar system achieving escape velocity due to the gravity of a gigantic object. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Thursday, December 24, 2020 (having no time for thinking)

Life catches up speed again. There are little scopes to think about everything. Once planning and thinking were my favorite activities. Still I try hard to focus on my thinking pattern. 

There were several events happened in few days like tour, anniversary and more on. The tour was amazing by the way. 

Sometimes, it is better to become a devil rather than to remain a gentleman. Because no one expects better thing from a savage. Almost all expect better thing from a gentleman. I never want anyone who expects very little from me. Expectation makes me weaker and no expectation is my biggest strength. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 (society)

Social outlook can not be changed in one day. It takes time to change and we live in a conservative society where out of box thinking is rejected most of the time. Customs & traditions have been created and it is observed by generation after generation. 

Becoming rebel is not an ideal thought at all.