Friday, October 7, 2022

Friday, October 7, 2022 (Careless)

People miss the passed days in general. It is quite normal to remember good time with friends, family or someone special. But it is very unfortunate for me that i never miss my passed days. Though there were many success, many special moments, many glorious events, I rarely remember my past. And i rarely miss someone. I don't know what's wrong with my psychology but it is reality. There are many reasons behind it. Firstly, I never try to remember my glorious moments as It makes me feel nervous. Similarly, I had many friends in my school, college, university, work places, others. But it is very rare that i contact with them. I love all of them but i never try to contact them in general. It is not like I don't like them but it is like my psychology that i am always engaged on present situation. I don't know what my real problem is. Because I don't miss my school days. Almost all the persons miss their school life expect me. Same thing goes with my college, university and work places. 

Or I am just a selfish who don't care any one. 

Or maybe I always want to leave every thing and with strong relationship (any kind of relationship), it is tough to leave everything. For me, a goodbye means really a goodbye. 

Or maybe relationship (any kind) is a burden for me. I always try to run away from people who approximately closes to me (anticipated close). I respect them but I rarely try to communicate with them. 

Or maybe I always focus on my present and too much involved in my work. For most of us, works are not very pleasant activities but i love to work. And I am very serious about my work and passionate about it. 

Or I don't know what the problem is. 

One may call me any thing for this kind of behavior. But i don't know. 

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