Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (looped life)

Life has become a looped animation. Everything has been happening in a routine manner. I do same thing every day. And same thing happens in everyone's life. That's why we need to break loop after a period of time.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023 (memories of Unmesh)

There is too many memories of Unmesh during my work period. I learnt a lot of things from there which impacted my life a lot. There are no hurt feelings at all and i am just sharing some memories. 

It was quite a routine that i had to work in 2 weekend in almost every month. I needed those weekend badly as I was completing my MBA at the same time. If someone asked me "what do you want? A weekend or money", I would definitely say " Weekend". It was 19.07.2018 and was Thursday. I got ready for going to office and had a nice feeling that i would spend a weekend (of course i had classes in the following day). I worked on weekend in the last weekend. So, i was certain about my weekend. I received a call around 8.30 am to come in the head office for some important work. Then I went there with my colleagues. There were some issues about VAT and TAX. And gathering information from server took a lot of time. We started working on it. But after 8/9 pm, it was certain that i was going to work in the next day (weekend). So, I didn't have any option and it was quite okay at some points.then I worked on Friday and it was around 9.30 pm when I left office on that time. And i again reached office around 8.00 am in the next day (saturday). Those were tough 3 days but it was not my hardest days. But it was a day when a certain thing became uncertain. And it is painful when certain thing become uncertain. 

I never neglect my work. Work is not only a way of earning livelihood for me but also a way of showing my passion. Though the situations were tough, I loved my work. :) 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Monday, March 06, 2023 (intolerance)

I can see the increasing intolerant attitude / behavior among people surrounding by me Or within my country. Every tries hard to impose his or her outlook over others. And people have suddenly started trolling others or on a topic. No one needs to know the actual facts and factors. People (most of) never try to figure out actual fact or to analyze any fact. They ( most of) act like they know every thing but they (most of) don't know about basic either. That type of behavior definitely hamper individualism and free speech. In a society, everyone may have different thoughts and it is not necessary to match everyone's thought with majority. Sometimes, majority can be wrong. When Galileo identified earth orbiting the sun, he was the only one who believed in it. So, it doesn't matter what majority think in a society. Majority don't have time to analyze every thing or to use their brain and they are just copy cat.