Monday, March 20, 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023 (memories of Unmesh)

There is too many memories of Unmesh during my work period. I learnt a lot of things from there which impacted my life a lot. There are no hurt feelings at all and i am just sharing some memories. 

It was quite a routine that i had to work in 2 weekend in almost every month. I needed those weekend badly as I was completing my MBA at the same time. If someone asked me "what do you want? A weekend or money", I would definitely say " Weekend". It was 19.07.2018 and was Thursday. I got ready for going to office and had a nice feeling that i would spend a weekend (of course i had classes in the following day). I worked on weekend in the last weekend. So, i was certain about my weekend. I received a call around 8.30 am to come in the head office for some important work. Then I went there with my colleagues. There were some issues about VAT and TAX. And gathering information from server took a lot of time. We started working on it. But after 8/9 pm, it was certain that i was going to work in the next day (weekend). So, I didn't have any option and it was quite okay at some points.then I worked on Friday and it was around 9.30 pm when I left office on that time. And i again reached office around 8.00 am in the next day (saturday). Those were tough 3 days but it was not my hardest days. But it was a day when a certain thing became uncertain. And it is painful when certain thing become uncertain. 

I never neglect my work. Work is not only a way of earning livelihood for me but also a way of showing my passion. Though the situations were tough, I loved my work. :) 

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