Sunday, June 11, 2023

Monday, June 12, 2023 (Over hype of Freelancing part-1)

I have been seeing a lot of posts in various social media platform about the success of freelancer. Those pages are telling about their quick success, huge income and more on. There is a trend of glamorizing the journey of successful freelancer. And they also try to prove that it is very easy to earn money. 

But what are their benefits on it??? 
Basically, they are just showing good things about freelancing to inspire other to do freelancing. And they are selling their courses. If an institute sells courses to 50,000 students, they will earn minimum 100 crores. Similarly, I have seen many freelancers who sell courses. Freelancers have no time to sell courses and they may have no clients or their services are out of date. As a result, They have started selling courses.

In my opinion, it is not wrong to inspire someone about anything. But it is ethically wrong that you are showing only positive sides of a thing & ignoring negative sides of the same thing or you are showing just success stories and ignoring all the failed attempts. Similarly, Those institutes are selling dreams (their marketing is not ethical at all), not course. I have objections on it.

Medias also glorify freelancers due to high viewership on those type of contents. All parties are benefited expect students (most of, not all).

Bangladesh is a heavily populated country and people are heavily influenced by the trend. Once there was a trend of BBA & MBA so that most of the students did it. Now, the value of BBA & MBA is not as same as previous. Because there are a lot of BBA and MBA degree holders who can work at a cheap price and similarly the number of organizations has not increased much as compared to increased in the number of degree holders. 
If someone has started learning graphics design, he or she will give at least 1 year to get proper still. 6 months courses are not good enough to learn everything properly. To become a successful freelancer, you need to spend more than 1.5 years. 

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