Sunday, July 30, 2023

Monday, July 31, 2023 (A probable answer of a common question)

I observe one thing time to time that I miss my past incident or remember someone or miss someone very rarely. Definitely it is true statement for me. There are 2 main reasons behind it.

Firstly, I am future oriented rather than past oriented person. I always think about six months, one year or even five year later events. 

Secondly, I am too much busy with my present that I actually don't have time to think about the past in many cases. Because I find out something or some activities while spending my leisure time. Basically I don't like to interact with people too much as I am an introvert in nature. But it does not mean that I don't talk with anyone or rarely talk with anyone. I like to talk with people but only about important matters. When I get some time, I grow up a new hobby. So, there are very few moments when I think about or remember or miss someone. And I never regret myself for my this outlook. 

As a result, it can be very difficult for me to remember anyone. I don't have any less emotional attachment with anyone. Because I am very much emotional and become attached very quickly. I just don't get too much time to think. :)

Friday, July 21, 2023

Monday, July 17, 2023 (A joker can be a hero)

Sometimes I troll people for their choice of life or the way of their living. But a joker is better than many elites who do not have options to say even a word towards truth. We live in an era where words should be selected carefully in order to getting troubled. A joker stands at that time which makes him a hero. Definitely I respect him for his stance.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023 (Over hype of Freelancing part-2)

A freelancer must have Patience, Explorer of new works, Fluency in English, to cope up with new trends, problem solver, opportunistic and Fast learner. 

Patience: A freelancer must have patience and it is the key component at present. Maybe there is no work for months but he or she needs to stay online regularly. It is the barrier which the most of the new comers fail to overcome. We need quick success and don't want to spend a lot of time on a specific sector. As a result, most of the new comers (who want to become a freelancer) quit due to lack of patience. 

Explorer of new works: Most of us don't want to explore more. We just try to copy others and hope to become successful. But it is definitely not the right thing. We need to explore other options. For example: If Mr. x is a graphics designer and expert in designing business card, He can also provide services for letter head.
Fluency in English: It is very sad that Graduated persons (in most cases) are also not fluent in English in our country. So, There is always a communication gap between a freelancer and his or her client. Though there are many tools right now, A freelancer must have proper knowledge about English. 

To cope up with new trends: Freelancing is a very trendy thing. Without following trends, it will be impossible to explore more opportunities. To get the opportunities, we always try to cope up with those trendy things. 

Problem solver: A freelancer gets different requirements given by the clients and he need to be a problem solver in order to fulfilling those requirements. Otherwise, he or she can not retain clients. 

Opportunistic: There are many works and there are too much competitions in many sectors and others remain less competition. So, a freelancer must be opportunist to explore new markets.

Fast Learner: Fast learning is a key point because technology is improving rapidly. So, fast learner will get advantage of first mover.