Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday, 03 November, 2023 (Memories of Unmesh)

(A typical day in my desk)

Focusing on a particular task becomes a nightmare in some cases. I was over involved in a work that had suffered me very badly. It was in 2017 on the month of August when there was too much pressure of work. I did not take any weekend for 21 days. I was quite saddened as my father passed away last month before the month. The pressure of work was extremely high and I got little time to relax myself. Someday I left the home around 7.00 AM and return home over 10:00 PM.

Moreover, I had exam on the same period of time. As a result, I was not sound mentally. I slept in the same room with my nephews. One night i had waked up suddenly and starting asking to give me the "voucher". I did not realized that i was in house and it was mid night. 

I survived a lot of hard working conditions in my life that I never feel disappointed with any situation now. Though failure always exists in my life, I always enjoy the period of struggling. It is the most beautiful days when I am facing difficulties in order to hoping about better tomorrow.

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