Saturday, February 3, 2024

Sunday, February 04, 2024 (facing fear)

Everyone has some specific fears such as pyrophobia, aquaphobia, acrophobia etc. It is not a physical disease but a mental condition. Anyone can get rid of his or her agitation by facing it directly. 

I had recognized a weakness when I was in class 3. I went to the rooftop of my school. The school was only a 4 stoyed building but I feared of that height. I never try to reduce my anxiety for acrophobia. Hence, the same level of unease remains inside me still now. 

I decided to do something adventurous but did not get too much options at all. It is very hard to try out an adventurous activity in our country (I maybe wrong). The most easy option was parasailing as it could be done in very short time with proper setup. So, I went with this idea. 

My wife wanted to do the same thing and she has done it before me today. I have got nervous after seeing too much high and I have just become hopeless. 

Finally I made up my mind to do it and started walking toward the starting point. Though I was highly strung, I kept Smiling. It is a common phenomenon of mine to keep smiling during an expected event. Firstly I felt some pushing pressure of wind while going up. Then I just checked whether everything was okay. I was extremely stressful and felt very uncomfortable. I saw the rope attached with me and then I saw only the boat at a first glance. Then I tried to move my eyes here and there. The colour of water seemed to be blue. For one moment, I thought why I was there. But I got my answer eventually. In the mid way, I was quite far from land and saw a lot of boats in the deep area of the sea. On the other hand, I could see the hills of Himchhori. The view was unexplainable for me due to nervousness and excitement. I assumed that the air tried to say something to me. At the end, I was very careful to land safely as an accidental event could take place. But I successful landed with the help of crews.

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