Saturday, April 18, 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020 (Days of Quarantine)

The days of quarantine are days without any light. The light of hopes is missing. No one knows when the days of quarantine will end. it seems like a nightmare and there is a hope of overcoming nightmares someday. 

The quarantine or general government holidays started on 25 March and announced to end on 25 April after extending 4/5 times. But it will not end on 25 April for sure and no one knows the ending date of it. Everything is quiet uncertain. The main reason behind it is obviously the lack of public conscious. They don’t follow any rules and regulation which will make hamper the life of others. I visited office last time on 7 April as TV industry is outside of this general public holiday. The office still runs with a limited employees of 20/25 persons. 

I don’t get any holiday in my life without a specific period of time. In fact, the situation like this will not be faced by me hopefully in my life time. I go to bed around 1 AM and wake up around 10 AM. But dreams are horrible. I wake up frequently in nights with terrible dreams like finding water to wash hands. Things like this started around 10/12 march. Sometimes, I wake up in the night and wash my hand with hand sanitizer then I realize it's just a dream. There is a mental pressure in me now. Obviously it is because the news channels where there is no news expect Corona discussion. There may be one of the two things; firstly I am too much panic or secondly I am too much conscious about the concern. Maybe I am both panic and conscious. It doesn't matter which situation is true. But there is restlessness inside my mind all the days.

After waking up, I turn on my PC to edit videos for YouTube and switch on TV at the same time to watch news. After taking bath, I do random works like using pc or playing Pubg or other activities. For some days, I use that slot for learning Adobe Illustrator. But there is a long way to learn it properly. I watch news again after then and watch movies later on. At the same things, I teach my wife about Math, English and more on. Before going to bed, I play Pubg which is a popular game now-a-days. Days become bored because there is no specific time period of it. I have also started writing a review of my life in the last decade. I am little low and also have too many things to do. There are some positive things too like giving time to my family.

I have been feeling light fever and headache from today's morning. I know it's just a normal fever and headache but it also makes me panic in some degrees.

The days of quarantine are not enjoyable at all and those seem dark and darker with every passing day. I just want to see the light of hope now. I know everything will be normal one day and I am just waiting for it. 

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