Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday, April 12, 2020 (Afraid of COVID-19)

A Corona Virus infected person was detected on 08.04.2020 nearby my home. People have been terrified quickly. They took many steps quick after knowing it. Blocking roads, requesting to stay home, limiting public excess in markets were some of them. On the evening, I thought my family was safe as well as my villagers. After all, limiting public excess is the only way to prevent the pandemic disease. So, I was happy to see steps taken by all at that time. 

Dreams have been broken very quickly. Dreams have been broken in quickest time when we expect that Bangladeshi people follow rules and regulation for a particular situation. Most of us do not know or have very limited idea about virus. So, it is obvious that they don’t care about anything. 

Same thing happened with me also. My dreams have been broken on the next day when people violated all the steps. They did not follow any instruction. They went to here and there, gathered for gossiping in roads. Similarly, the market (known as Bazar) was also opened 2 day later. 

I don’t have any problem with anyone’s activity. It is his/her right to do it. When anyone’s activity hampers other’s life, I definitely have objection. Because he/she does have any right to hamper other’s life. Corona Virus is transmitted human to human. Right now, public gathering helps COVID-19 virus to spread more and more. So, public gathering means spreading the virus to others. 

The situation of our country is going to be worst. There are 139 persons found today with Corona infection and 3 persons died with Corona. As a total, 621 persons are infected and 34 of them died. More than 1.8 Million are infected and more than 1,12,000 died as per 12.04.2020.

 But the rate of infection of Bangladesh is rising in geometric way which is not good news for sure. 

From my point of views, the main problem is that most of us do not want to follow any rules and regulation. Similarly, decision makers in small areas are not well educated. They don’t have proper idea about virus. The problem can not be solved in one da And changing people's mentality in one day is not possible either. 

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