Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020 (life continues)

It doesn't matter how bad scenario someone is facing. The life continues and goes on. Sometimes, it is quite impossible to know about your situation by your nearby people. Life is like a house of cards where everything is quite uncertain. No one knows what uncertain situation will arrive in upcoming future. We can plan for future with strong prediction and plan may be supported by alternatives. But future is still uncertain. 

Whatever problems I am facing are completely my matter. I don't want to share it as I don't want to keep it myself. Once I didn't like to getting pain. Then getting pain became a habit and now it becomes an addiction. 

Still I believe and strengthen my mind to overcome each and every situation. After a long period of time, my heart is actually broken by some incidents. It doesn't matter because the life continues. 😇😇😇

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