Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020 (No companion)

 I don't need any companion at all. I don't mind when there is no one with me. If someone is not with me and makes companion with the persons against me. I don't mind either in this situation. 

As it is human behavior, he/she has rights to select his/her side. It is quite natural that human selects wrong side most of the time. Due to benefits & personal relationship, people don't think too much about which side is right & which side is wrong. 

Anything goes in their favor is right for them and anything goes against them is wrong for them. I said the same thing before. 

I never try to make relationship for getting favor and making relationship is not a deal for me. 

I have been thinking about my life for last one week. No one is with me and no one will help me unless they get benefitted by me. There is no one who stands for me even though I was not wrong or my points were logical. 

The world is a game of taking benefits and there is a few persons who don't care about it. 

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