Sunday, August 15, 2021

Monday, August 16, 2021 (actual identity)

 I selected wrong path many times. I never decline that there are many big mistakes done by me in life. I accept my mistakes and always try to learn from my mistakes. we try to crop up with life. Some times, we get something but want to get something else. We don't resist & just accept the thing. It is a normal event. I don't have any issue with that. But I resist and try to find out myself. I don't know about others and don't want to know anyone. I just want to find out myself. 

Right now, I am none but want to become someone someday. Someone that is actually me, not someone that is made by social or fate. Reality is that I change my outlook time to time because I learn and understand things more clearly. 


Sometime, floating with wave (Ongoing life) changes your actual identity.

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