Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 (Random)

Sometimes I forget everything even my best qualities. I know it is very difficult to maintain a stability in all the sectors as focusing all the sectors is not possible. 

There is a gap of one and half month between today and my last blog. There were many things that happened in between time period. There are small success and there are some failures as well. 

I believe that I enjoy my failure period more than my success. When I fail or I do a mistake, I learn many things. The period of learning never ends and when it ends, you must consider yourself as death. 

I got some small success in my new profession though it was very tiny. But a success is an occasion of success for me even though it is tiny. 

Few days ago, I saw some beautiful scenario while crossing the river. I found that the winner is very near. 

I don't know why I remember 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. I think I am getting older now. It may be one of the main reason. But still I feel that I am stuck in 2009-10. 

That's all for today. :) 

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