Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Sometimes pain is needed to find out how much you are happy before it. Now I feel pain in order to finding my fault. Unfavorable situation makes me feel sad but nobody cares me.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Friday, December 25, 2015

I have turned into 24 years today and there are few surprises also. 24 years are not a small quantity. But I feel that I have just started exploring the world. The world that has been not explored by me yet will be known to me later. Basic things are unfamiliar to me.  Human behavior or psychology is one of the toughest things which I can not understand properly. I just try to run out from people to avoid unfavorable situations. I assume everything as a part of a movie. Of course, there are some basic difference between movie and reality. Hero has only one mission to accomplish in the movie and a person always tries to find out his livelihood in the reality. Dreams become true in the movie, on the other hand, dreams remain dreams in the reality. Though both are different, I love to image the reality with movies. Because life seems easier in this way.

Don’t watch dreams
Just follow your dreams
Maybe be you will be successful or not
But you will not be frustrated for the attempts

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Today, I actually feel happy after a long period of time. It shows that even I can be happy too. I also feel depressed about everything around me. But everything seems colorful now. I am really thankful to her beautiful of this ever green memory. :)

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

I never emphasize anyone to do anything in my favor. I just show them why a particular activity is required and he should follow it. But I am emphasized regularly to do many things which is not desirable to me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tuesday, 13 October, 2015

The results of 7th semester have been published today. I can call it the output of an evil period because I didn't have any focus in anything during exam. I was pretty sure that it would be the worst semester in my university life. But it was not that bad which I expected. I expected a GPA of 3.2 or less than that, though it was 3.63 actually. I personally feel some exams were performed poor by me for extraneous causes. When poor performance is caused by the extraneous matter, it is the saddest thing for me.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Saturday, 11 October, 2015

Experiencing new things are not bad at all. Journey by bus, visiting an unknown place, exploring an unexplored area were missing from my dictionary but those are entitled into my dictionary now. Time and situations make you avail to do so. ;)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Today I had an exam on auditing. I went to exam hall and read my sheets until the arrival of the teacher. When the teacher came to the class, he ordered us to put all the reading materials in the front of the room. I put my bag there as quickly as possible. I started writing after starting the exam. Suddenly the teacher told me “what is there in your bench?” I got confused for one second and he indicated that I had not put my reading materials. Then I recognized that I forgot to put those in my bag. The teacher took my paper as a penalty. I became angry on me. How would I be so careless to forget it? Though it was an unintentional and I had no plan to copy from sheet, I did not argue with him. Because he was right on this own way. I was quiet and did not try to convince the teacher on this issue. He asked “do you have anything to say?” I said in the negative. But many students were arguing with the teacher and they said “he (me) never can do such things” I felt that I had achieved some reputations in my 3.5 years varsity life. It was an emotional situation then. Then few minutes later, he gave back my paper with a warring. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday, August 20, 2015

I found a dairy from which I got a list of games I played with my “Siemens C65” from 2007-09. Playing more than 500 games in just 2 years is not easy but I did it somehow. There were some excellent games and “Ancient Empire 2” published by “micro space” was one of them. I decided downloading it with my “Nokia 5130” and playing it again. When I play it, I have still same interest on it. Some characters of “Ancient Empire 2” are similar to “clash of clans” such as "Golem", "Wizard" etc.

“Townsmen” developed by “Handy game” was another superb game but version 2, 3 and 4 were not good enough.

I also liked “CAESER”, “Fashion Fun”, “Tom and Jerry”, “Pub Mania”, “Speed ball 2”, “Diamond quest”, “Splinter collect”, “Automatic U ground”, “Tom and Jerry Pinball” and many more.

Games not only entertain someone but also develop one’s analytical ability. But only strategic games allow you to be strategic.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015 (An experience)

I have watched a movie at Bashundhara Cineplex today. “Mission impossible” is my favorite action series and it seems nice to watch my favorite Hollywood actor in big screen. One of my classmates name Anzir told me that it would be a great experience to watch a movie in big screen. Last day a teacher imposed an extra class today’s evening and I decided watching “Mission Impossible 5” in the morning. The movie was really good and it was a great experience by the way.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday, August 09, 2015

The more one gets, the more one wants
There is an economic theory that fulfilling one unit of demand leads to increase a new unit of demand. I came to recognize this theory in 2007 and almost everyone knows it. I have been expecting a moderated output for me. But people consider me as a liar while I am actually presenting my real facts.
People judge someone as the way they are actually in their life
I ignore their sayings occasionally. On the other hand, I am interested to hear their criticism against me most of the time because I love to be criticized by others.