Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Everything within a relationship seems a deal to accomplish. Nothing is out of that contract. Someone may love you but he/she loves you with imposing some terms and conditions. Only my mother loves me without any term and condition. Her love for me never changes a bit. Others love me but their love does not exist for a long term in a consistent form. Now-a-days, I actually feel alone. I don't know the reason behind it but I just miss the magic.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thurday, August 25, 2016

Human character is the most complicated thing in the world. To understand one’s character is even tougher. I recognize again and again that we see the world the way we are. Though one’s attitude is different & right, most of us never consider it as a right one. We are becoming aggressive gradually. Violent behavior is a common thing at the moment. We just fight by words or by hands or by other medium in order to establishing our opinion right. 

What is actually right or wrong??? 

The question is totally outdated. Once I was one of them who just emphasize on their thought. Then I started realizing the fact. Right now, I agree everyone’s opinion at first or I try to show that he/she convinces me in his/her way. No matter he/she is right or wrong. After then I point out the negative and positive fact on that decision. And tell them about the negative and positive aspect of his/her thought. And finally I let the decision to him because everyone has right to choose their own way. After all, no one can change their central point. If my thought is right, it will be nothing for him/her. But in the opposite case, he/she will blame me for my suggestion. So, I can show you different paths but you have to choose right one for yourself. Dissenting makes no sense. It just ends a possibility before starting. Soothing mind is the greatest thing. 

Similarly, judging anything is not terrible at all. I do thing million trillion times. Everyone judges one another. Criticizing is also a high-quality thing. Even I have criticized many things including movie, persons, teachers and more on. But we must consider their situation & judge or criticize them.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016

Sometimes, we never notice common things that regularly happen around us. Focusing on every segment is quiet tough for an individual. When segments are fewer, our observation turns out to be clearer. And we understand the worth of existing things. Now-a-days, I have only few segments. So, I can easily focus on them. Once I never thought how beautiful the later evening was. Sun generates a series of sweet light. Sun light is peacefully golden and less hot. It is beautiful in natural way.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Life has become busy these days. I have started my internship and it is just about okay. I take time to match up with changing situations. My communication skill is developing which is quite surprising for me. But personal time is tiny now-a-days. I leave home at 8AM and return home at 7.30PM. I am forgetting how to sunset or how the sky looks in the evening. Sometimes I think that the day becomes very short but it is August. Process of earning knowledge is also available in various sources. Today someone has said that 
love means sacrifice

When you love something, you may sacrifice many things in order to showing your love. One can’t understand another love to him until he is in that person’s place. Just change your outlook with the aim of understanding the needs of another

Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

It's not bad to say the actual truth. At least, it generates self satisfaction that I describe myself properly. I never say anything that is higher than my actual status. But I consider myself much lower than what I am.

Showing off is not a habit but it is a disease

I don't know why someone asks me to showoff. I feel pain when someone is ashamed because of me.