Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I never try to remain at a place for a long period of time. I am in a hurry of leaving existing place at all times because you have to leave in order to reaching somewhere else. When ultimate goal is unknown, it is more interesting to identify the next way. Every stage is over after accomplishing it for me.  Maybe there are many persons who are with me per stage.  But it is almost impossible to maintain good relationship after getting done that stage.  This disability exists within my character. New people and new people are not able to make the fear of unknown. Those are like excitement of knowing the unexplored segment of life.  Uncomfortable does not make you weak but sometimes it may be your biggest strength. I also prefer unexpected situation and will continue to prefer it. Maybe some people don’t understand my concept and they don’t like the idea either.  

But Staying with same people and place for a long period of time is quiet boring for me. Changes allow us to feel the taste of new things. Maybe my theory is completely horrible but I follow it. 

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