Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

There are amply ways in life. But alternatives are not necessary sometimes. The burning question is which one is the best and to be selected. The best one is defeated by the safe one because it is human nature to avoid risk and to remain in the safe side. Though the best one is more lucrative, we choose the safe one most of the time.

In my case, I know about all available alternatives, its ins and outs and ways to achieve those. The main obstacle is that determined things do not go according to my plans. Execution is not the problem because I try my best to execute a plan. If I don't get the platform to execute the determined thing, I don't have any thing to execute. Luck is a matter in my case though we consider bad luck as an excuse for unsuccessful attempts. 

A favorable phenomenon is that life gives me second chance again and again. And I grab second chances to overcome the previous situation.

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