Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Waiting for a particular plan to work is not easy. When waiting is very long, it is also very hard to control oneself. At least, there are some positive sides of long waiting. More details about the plan can be evaluated easily due to enough time limit. The alternatives to backup the plan are more furnished, though loosing interest in the plan is common in long term.

The next step is not easy but every risky step is the way to open new doors. Every door may not be the right door. Choosing the right door is harder than exploring new doors.

Brain and heart are the greatest enemy of each other. Brain has decided a particular thing and heart starts protecting against it in the same time. Similarly heart has taken a decision and brain starts protesting against it. There is always a conflict between heart and brain. Whenever both enemies become friends, the decision is the strongest. Because heart describes your desire and brain describes logic in your desire. 

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