Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday, September 30, 2018 (Reality and Imagination)

What is the reality???

The question is very odd because we know the simple answer of it. The reality is the existing things that we see or feel or are happening in the world. So, it is the actual thing that happens. But accepting reality closes the door of opportunities. There are many angles of a thing. The result of a situation maybe different if we do something else. 

When there is an output in front of me, I start thinking about the different possible situations. The different possible situations that may occur in case of any change in input.

Reality is nothing but a barrier to overcome. Accepting the existing situation maybe the easiest bet and challenging the existing situation is the hardest bet. Following easiest path araises some questions of "what if" that we will ask ourselves in our entire life. But the question will remain unanswered for sure. On the other hand, playing the hardest bet may be difficult but we will get the answer of "what if". Imagination can not be converted into the reality if we simply accept the existing situation. Sometimes, challenging reality enables us to avoid asking questions of "what if" ourselves. 

I love turns and twists. Life becomes more attractive when there are many turns and twists. Almost everyone plays the safest bet. There are some idiots who love to play the risky bet.

The conclusion is that challenging reality is better than asking an unanswerable question forever. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sometimes, confidence of other on me makes me nervous. Nervousness is that I may not be able to live up the person's confidence. There are many reasons behind it. Other's confidence on me and their love for me are like a barden for me. It is the major reason behind my nervousness. Similarly when there is an expectation, I get nervous. Because an expectation has a minimum requirement that must be fulfilled.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday, September 17, 2018 (getting inspired rather than becoming depressed)

It is human behavior to become depressed due to the success of others. Success of someone does not matter for others. Because it neither takes away anything from you nor gives you something. There is nothing that will make a difference.

For me, other's success is an inspiration. It inspires me to study their success and figure out secrets behind their success. Success may be ethical or unethical. It doesn't matter for most of the people but I never prefer unethical means.

Similar there are many things to know about an unsuccessful attempt because it teaches us to alert about some unexpected results.

All in all, I am totally inspired by the great success of an elder brother. His success inspires me to be goal oriented.