Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday, December 19, 2022 (best FiFA final ever i have seen)

What was a match it was!!  There were trills, excitement, happiness, sorrows and joyful moments. 

I am a hardcore Brazil supporter but Brazil was out from Quarter Final. I decided to support Argentina for the final match because I wanted to see a winner team which is not from europe. 

Argentina was in full form until 78 min. They scored 2-0 until 78 min. I thought it was a one-sided match for sure. There was no doubt on it. 

But then there was a twist. France scored 2 goals within 2 minutes and it became 2-2 in 81 min. Then France became super strong and Argentina seemed weaker. There was no winner in 90 min game. So, the game went to extra time (30min). 

Again, Argentina seemed weaker again and France started overpowering Argentina at that time. But Argentina managed to score a goal. But again France scored quick after that. At the last moment, France almost scored another goal but goalkeeper of Argentina saved it outstandingly. 

Finally, the game went to tie breaker. And finally Argentina won it. I have seen first time in my life that Argentina won FIFA World Cup. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Thursday, December 8, 2022 (timelessness)

It has been a busy period for me. But it is okay now. There are several thoughts and ideas but there is no time to execute those. I can again realize the value of time and it is more valuable than any thing. 

We just live in a forest where everyone is like an animal and fight with each others every time to get more power.

Approximately everyone wants power to dominate others or to show superior. And it is the real problem of our society. There is no time to be happiness or people become happy when they dominate others.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Friday, November 25, 2022 (FIFA World cup)

It is the season of FIFA. It is first that FIFA World Cup is started in November. There are many shocking moments that have been already taken place like Argentina loosing against Saudi Arabia, German defeated by Japan etc. But my favorite team has won their first match against Serbia last night. I try to watch almost every match. Hopefully, it will be a thrilling world Cup. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022 (Shortage of Time)

I face the problem of shortage of time nowadays. There are several reasons but shortage of time is not a rare problem in my life. It is very common and it started since 2016. Before it, I had a lot of time and I utilized my time poorly then. But i don't have any regret for it. I am imperfect, do mistakes and learn from my mistakes. Those things make me and my identity. 

Mostly I am busy with my freelancing projects. Similarly I am trying to open new sectors. Hopefully I will manage time to satisfy myself by doing my expected activities. :) 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Saturday, November 5, 2022 (starting the last part of the year)

Another year is on the way to end soon. The year has some significances on my life. In fact, I learn new things in every year. I always think that i need to learn more. I change mediums of learning but never change the habit of learning. I hope the ending part will be better for you as well.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 It's 2nd November, the birth day of SRK. It was really great to see the teaser of his upcoming movie, Pathan. The teaser is awesome and it is 4 years since his last movie was released. It is a great pleasure to see him in movies again. I can remember the year 2009 when there was no SRK movie. :) 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Wednesday, 26 October, 2022 (intolerance)

I think there are too much pressure on me right now and it is almost from everywhere. It happens when someone says nothing on his or her defense. People like to attack on soft target rather than the hard one. Our society don't care about one's soft behaviour. Q

Friday, October 7, 2022

Friday, October 7, 2022 (Careless)

People miss the passed days in general. It is quite normal to remember good time with friends, family or someone special. But it is very unfortunate for me that i never miss my passed days. Though there were many success, many special moments, many glorious events, I rarely remember my past. And i rarely miss someone. I don't know what's wrong with my psychology but it is reality. There are many reasons behind it. Firstly, I never try to remember my glorious moments as It makes me feel nervous. Similarly, I had many friends in my school, college, university, work places, others. But it is very rare that i contact with them. I love all of them but i never try to contact them in general. It is not like I don't like them but it is like my psychology that i am always engaged on present situation. I don't know what my real problem is. Because I don't miss my school days. Almost all the persons miss their school life expect me. Same thing goes with my college, university and work places. 

Or I am just a selfish who don't care any one. 

Or maybe I always want to leave every thing and with strong relationship (any kind of relationship), it is tough to leave everything. For me, a goodbye means really a goodbye. 

Or maybe relationship (any kind) is a burden for me. I always try to run away from people who approximately closes to me (anticipated close). I respect them but I rarely try to communicate with them. 

Or maybe I always focus on my present and too much involved in my work. For most of us, works are not very pleasant activities but i love to work. And I am very serious about my work and passionate about it. 

Or I don't know what the problem is. 

One may call me any thing for this kind of behavior. But i don't know. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Monday, September 26, 2022 (am i living in extra time)

I think I am living my second innings in my life. I have recently identified that I actually have no plan in my life toward future now. I don't know why there are no plans after 2022. I thought maximum 2022 and after that I thought nothing. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Thursday, September 08, 2022

It has been a long time since the last blog writing. I was busy but not as much as I could not write a small blog about my life and thoughts. It is most probably that I could not arrange my time perfectly. By the way, I can proudly say that I am a freelancer now. But it is not a matter of proud. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Saturday, July 16, 2022 (A busy period life)

It is a busy period of life as I have just grabbed the ground in freelancing career. There were too much busy schedule in last one month. But it was okay because I always prefer to be involved in some events or tasks. Though I just have grabbed the ground, I am an individual identity (from big family to single family). 

Sometimes, it is really hard to maintain everything as management perspective. Because I never consider me as a family person. I always love to remain a person without any responsibility of family. 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday, June 03, 2022 (After a long period of time)

 Today, the teaser of Jawan (SRK's movie after Pathan) have been released and the teaser is just awesome. The movie will be released on 2th june 2023. That means that there will be 3 srk movies to be released in 2023. It is like a dream as a fan. Last time, it was 2004 when there were 3 SRK movies in one year. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday, May 13, 2022 (pending works)

Pending works create pressure that can not be easily handled in many instances. The situation will be more stressful when a series of works are pending in the same time. A stressful brain can not generate expected results in most of the time. Because the brain is confused about time limits, from where to start and more on. 

Right now I am also in under pressure and there are too much pending works that I need to complete. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022 (Facts about Ramadan)

 When I was a child, I observed that The Month of Ramadan was in the winter. As time passed, the circle changed. There is only 355 days in a year of Arabic Calendar. So, it is impossible to synchronize both calendars. And I observed most of the Ramadan in summer or approximately summer. 

But i can see that the Ramadan will be observed again in the Winter after 7 years later. That means that I will be complete a cycle of changing calenders. :) 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Saturday, March 12, 2022 (Luck matters)

We always appreciate hard work and great talents. Definitely hard work is the prime key of success and great talents make innovation. There is no doubt that We need to appreciate those. It is also our prime duty to recognize hard work and great talents. 

If you are hard worker and have some skills, you will be recognized one day for sure. It may be a longer time to be recognized but will be recognized for sure. You just need to be right place in the right time. 

If you are not in the right place in the right time, then it will be very hard for anyone to achieve the expected success in life. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wednessday, March 3, 2022 (good news After 5 years)

 After a long period of time, I got some good news about my favorite actor, Shah Rukh Khan. The release date of "Pathaan"has been announced today. I have been eagerly waiting for the movie. It is very painful to wait 5 years for a movie. The last movie (Zero) was released way back in 2018. I know the last few movies did not perform well. But I never ever observe a 5 years gap for a SRK movie. Last time, I was disappointed in 2009 when there was no movie of SRK released. I waited 3 years for Ra.One but it is longest one. The short teaser looks really good and hope for the best. :) 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Saturday, February 12, 2022 (increasing domination tendency in the Society)

Domination over others is a common tendency in the society. Almost everyone wants to dominate others in his or her level. We learn to dominate others from our family, friends and society. It starts from our childhood. So, we take this matter as a normal event.

Seriously I believe there is a constantly upward trend of this power game. Nowadays, people become more obsessed. And no one cares about it at all.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday, February 05, 2022 (I am weird)

Sometimes self actualization is needed to determine our way. I have been recognizing my self for few days and I found that I am weird. "Weird" is the perfect word to describe myself.

I am weird for the society as I ignore or don't believe in many existing society outlooks. A society consists of people. People have similar thoughts and beliefs in a society. People always want that others follow their path 

I always avoid following the ongoing social trends. I believe that combined idea or integrated idea is not always a right thing. So, I am weird fir the society.