Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday, January 29, 2024 (an over ignored problem)

A lot of problems are faced by people and they try to avoid making any step against it. Those attitudes are the main obstacles to become a better place. We are not aware about our rights. 

First time when I travelled in a CNG was in 2004. It was a great experience as I charged as per meter. The price was very reasonable and they always charged money according to meter. Then drivers of CNG started claiming some more money in additional to meter reading after few years later. People ignored those unfair claims. For this, they bargained for the fare totally ignoring the meter system and the system still exists now. Though I have noticed a meter inside a CNG, I forget about it.

The problem was recognised by media in many occasions but taken steps were not effective enough. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Tuesday, January 25, 2024 ( feeling like an orphan)

I had never a great bond with my father. But my father knew me very well. In fact, he knew me more than anyone until 2016. I always avoided to share any feelings with my friends. As a result, it was very tough for anyone to predict my feelings. Somehow, he understood me without saying a word. 

Though I had never a great conversation with him, I had a desire to tell him very things about my life, vision, and many more. Staying like a shadow, he always tried to protect me from this world. He knew that my knowledge about the world was very limited. 

I have learnt many things and lost much more things. It is very hard to take decision against folks. However wealth has a power to destroy everything even ...............

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Monday, January 08, 2024 (Danger often comes where danger is feared)

A series of rumours are taken place which are not desirable for any sensible person. There is a huge fear of being robbed by the robbers and people make too much panic. Hence, a scared environment exists around me. It started at the beginning of the month and maybe there were some robberies happened in reality. Consequently, people have generated various conspiracy theories and people are getting more afraid of it. 

A lots of news about robberies have been posted in every hour at night in Facebook. However, the ground reality is totally different. People get scared after hearing any sound of talking of people due to existing situation and start making noise. 

I saw a YouTube video on the incident of "Monkey man" a year ago and it is a classic example of how people behaviour are influenced in a society for rumours.

From my point of view, it is a rumour and it has a negative impact on the society. Afterall, Danger often comes where danger is feared.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Monday, January 01, 2024 (Hoping for changing path in this new year)

It is very rare event for me to write something in New year. Writing on the occasion of a unknown year is a great way to get motivated and I need some kicks for the year. However, I did not write any thing in the last couples of years on that day. Situation is very different and challenging in some extent. 

Planning of my life was over in 2020 and I never though about any goal or large vision after 2020. The situation which I face is very unique as I always have some plans and a series of alternatives. So, I have decided something about my planning toward 2030. Hence, it is a very different year for making some serious decision rather than just following any previous plans. 

I want to become a struggle again. Of course, no one likes that he faces hard time once again. Because everyone enjoys the result after overcoming hardship. I know my mood switches after a point of time. An ideal man is focused on the target made by him. Controlling emotion is the only solution of my problem. In contrast, I always enjoy the period of struggling as I can learn a lot of new things in between the periods. I don't have any regret about my behavior because it makes me. The personality of any individual depends on many criteria and liking hardship is one of the best quality I guess.